Monday, June 23, 2014

 Sweet Summer

It's finally really warming up and feeling like summer
with the hanging of the swing by Alan,
the early blooming daisies in Rachel's polka dot mug,
and waltzing to an old fashioned tune on the lawn at Remick Farm's open house.

Friday, June 20, 2014

What's Been Happening Here

Julie, Toby, Alan and Toby wonderabout the somewhat large turtle on the lawn.

After thinking it over, we decided to bring Toby's raft back home--slow rowing on a windy day.

It's back, will be anchored off-shore and ready for summer swimmers.

Myles' newest addition to the kitchen garden:  an orange birdbath that she made.  Love the color and the birds will love it too.  Lettuce, arugula and beans growing like crazy!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Being enormously supportive of Sam and Max both of whom adore the Kings, LA's hockey team (especially, for Max, Jonathon Quick, the goalie), Toby and I tuned in to the second Stanley cup game--the great finals of hockey-land. 
Alan Phenix, our neighbor and a hockey fanatic and skater himself, came over to watch it with us--supplying background info like where the Stanley Cup came from, the fact that each player on the winning team gets to keep the cup for a day (to drink beer out of?  to fill with water to baptize their kids? whatever),  and what "off-sides" means.   Toby was all for Jonathon Quick, Chaz, Alan's dog, was just happy to be on the sofa.
The Kings really dragged it out, in the beginning allowing a goal or two to the NY Rangers (who Alan was routing for), but they came steam-rolling back to win in overtime, although at that point Alan had gone home to watch it on his even bigger screen and Toby and I had gone to bed.  Alan said he didn't really care who won, he just wanted to watch a lot of really good hockey.  I learned a lot about hockey but haven't watched since.  Tonight is game four, the Kings are three up, and it's a four out of seven series.  Still, I have a good book I'm reading about Margaret Mead and all these overtimes are just too much for Toby and me.
But, in the spirit of things: Go Kings Go! 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Lovely Help
Toby and I got the name of Julie Lanoie from a friend--she's a born and bred North Conway-er and gives help to people facing memory loss. We asked her to come over and be with Toby one day a week--and I think that we're both infatuated with her now!  Last Wednesday she took Toby to a Fryeburg, ME Academy production of Shel Silverstein's poems, then to lunch, and then on a nice walk with her dogs.  She's gentle and sweet, pretty too!  And full of great ideas for activities, hikes, etc. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Van!
David and his dad drove the contents of two very full storage units of Rachel and David's belongings from Austin,  TX, to Chocorua last week.
Here's the huge van, successfully backed up a smallish windy driveway
and emptied with the help of Alan Phenix and Rob, David's brother, who looks slightly exhausted after moving around 100 boxes. 
David, between arrival and van unloading, checking out our kitchen garden.
And David, proud owner, glad to be moved in.