Friday, July 17, 2020


A Zoom meeting is a new experience for us storytellers.


As you can see, we're not all squarely on our screens.
There was a lot of background noise.
We didn't know how to mute our mikes.
Halfway through my internet went down and I had to dial in from my phone.


Jay looked down a lot to read his notes.


All we could see of Susan was her hair.

Nevertheless, we carried on:
 Good stories were told.
We enjoyed sharing our news.
Pam announced that she was engaged to be married!
And we continue to get more expert at Zoom at each meeting.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Sumptuous Outdoor Socially-Distanced Meals 
at the Page Kenders!


During this isolation, I've been very lucky to be able to have 
outdoors meals with my Burbank family
  once or twice a week. 
 I eat at my little table a proper 6 feet 
from the gang at the big table.


Jess comes up with elaborate and delicious dishes every time! 
 Here, a layered veggie lasagna with a pesto sauce.


and a pasta-cheese dish with greens.


Sam made his super super nachos dinner which we ate 
while watching "Anchorman" on their outdoor TV.


Jess' amazing lemon meringue cake--
my favorite!!


Every time a sweet flower arrangement on on my table! 


One evening we had pizza from Sam's home-built outdoor pizza oven. 


Maddie and Max carry dishes and plates in and out from the kitchen.  
Last night Maddie gathered up 5 water glasses 
and then reached for a wine glass to take into the kitchen
--and she made it!
Thanks guys for these fabulous family feasts!