Thursday, December 29, 2016

 December Events 2016
Lots of activity...
Day after Thanksgiving, Toby falls and breaks his hip. He's been in a Burbank Rehabilitation Center since then--slightly chaotic but a very good physical rehabilitation crew.

 Christmas activities go ahead--
Handsome men at The Nutcracker Suite 

The Page Kenders decorating their tree.
The Page Bethels arriving--Simon entertaining Toby.
Maddie earning her advanced green belt!
Page Bethels at the Santa Monica Pier.
Dinner at Benihana's 
A rainy day at Legoland...
but we loved it.
Sam's big 40th!!!!!
And Christmas photos:

Friday, December 2, 2016

Goings On...
A visit to the Feinsteins--here's Lea and sweet granddaughter Lucy in Palo Alto.

Festive table setting for Thanksgiving at the Page Kenders--the grown-ups' table

and the kids. 

Meanwhile the Page Bethels traveled to Tulsa to be with David's family for Thanskgiving. 

Gwen and Simon standing under Rachel's picture at the Smithsonian exhibit in the Panama airport.

The love of dogs.

Big boy haircut!

Big boy total concentration.

Much to my amusement on a recent trip to Michael's Maddie suddenly realized that she really liked shopping.  Ahhh---join the gangs of us that feel the same way!