Saturday, July 24, 2021

 More Adventures...

We scaled Foss Mountain.


An easy hike with great views

and a picnic dinner atop!

Slipping down Sam's sliding plastic mat.

Another canoe trip. 


Cozy family movie night. 

Happy house.



Sunday, July 18, 2021

 Being Together

to celebrate

Gwen's 13th and Max's 12th birthdays,

to cook

and eat


keep up with Zoom school 


and be gorgeous

and canoe

and walk to


and from Heron Pond


and experience the weirdest light pending a storm

and keep the barn swings in constant motion.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

 Chocorua Fills Up!

The Page Bethels, fully masked and face shielded, arrive from Panama!

En route to Chocorua, David enjoys the first Sonic Burger in at least a year and a half.


The next day Rachel, David and Gwen get the first of their vaccines.



We start on projects:  painting,


building the Titanic.


Family dinner with Sam's super Super Nachos. 

Friday, July 2, 2021

 More Chocorua Arrivals...

Jess comes!

Taking advantage of local resources: 

stick shift driving lessons

in the old blue Volvo.

3 cartons of local eggs

consumed largely by Max.