Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Fischhoffs Arrive...

the weather cools, and we enjoy an "al fresco" dinner on the lawn.

Tulip is in 7th heaven with all the attention from Maya.

Yesterday, while the ditches kept being dug around our house, Thad found a moment to search for the Fischhoff clan atop Mt. Chocorua.

We saw them, photographed them (or tried to through the telescope), but couldn't signal with the mirror/sun method because it was too cloudy.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Blog Without Photos

A humungously hot day, one that had us driving from Barrington to Mass. General then on to Chocorua. Toby had a good checkup with his melanoma doctor--no worries. thank goodness. Walking to the car Tulip limped--the pavement was so hot she couldn't walk on it. Toby and Tulip found shade and I brought the car around and picked them up.

Driving to Chocorua--best place to be, in an air-conditioned car.

Thinking of Max at age 2--his birthday! What a sweet surprise he was, what a delicious person he is!

So glad we have Chocorua to retreat to. We took swims as soon as we got back, Tulip too.

Then a dinner on the porch, sun setting, no bugs, all cool from the water, Toby and I talking about art and Julian Freud and the book Rachel and David gave Toby for Christmas, "Proust was a Neuroscientist."

Me in just a black sleeveless jersey dress, Toby's orange tee shirt echoing the orange lilies all around. Food bought at "Chipotle" on the way up, a little wine--no cooking!

Wow, I thought, this is as good as it gets.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Opening Up Chocorua

Literally! Opening up a big ditch near the kitchen door to take out an old underground tank that our insurance company had a fit over.

Opening up a pathway under the screened porch for new electrical and telephone lines to go to the house--and also to the barn where lightening must have run through the old underground parkway cable and almost blew out the box--very scary and needed attention immediately. The insurance company never complained about that!

But found was this gorgeous flat piece of granite that was hidden under the porch and will now be a large step by one of the back doors.

And on a more manageable note, Toby on his way to the lake to"open" up the beach by raking away the leaves in the water.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Time to Go Home

I left Burbank early, early Saturday morning, sad to be saying goodby to everyone. Here are a few photos from my time with Sam & Co.

On our way to dinner.

Supervising two talented artists.

At school with Maddie (who's a terror on trikes)

and into pink shaving cream.

Max in his Hawaiian attire on the 4th of July,

and watching a fantastic (and very close) fireworks display at John and Erin's.

Alternative transportation.

Watching the final Atlantis lift-off with Dad.

The fabulous four!!!

I miss you cozy, cozy guys!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Playing Dogs

Maddie is Tulip, walking on all fours and barking.

Max is Jack (of the Woodward clan)--preferring pacies to bones.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Max and Maddie weren't deterred by a 100-degree day in Burbank. They played games:

Max playing his inside-the-net-hockey game.

Max and Maddie at the blow-up-the-balloon-let-it-go-whoosh game.

The sitting-on-Sam game

also played by Oscar the cat.

Finally one of the best: the "we're-higher-than-our-patient-parents" game.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Burbank Evenings

Late afternoon out here is a lovely time--the weather has finally cooled off and the light is beautiful, Sam's finished his work, dinner's ready, and we're outside in the back waiting for Jess to come home from work.

The kids are relaxed--picking purple flowers,

gobbling grapes.

Then Jess comes home and, before bedtime looms and kids get rebellious,

there's time for a lot of silliness.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Mayo Square Dance

Last weekend was the Mayo annual square dance in Connecticut--a great gathering of family

and old Roslyn friends,

also siblings!

On Sunday morning we gathered in the Mayo's backyard to remember Bobby. Geoff and John and Debbie started with poems and remembrances, followed by thoughts from many of us about what a special friend Bobby was to us all.