Tuesday, July 31, 2012


What made the week of Sam and kids and Rachel and David and kids here so special and much easier was the magic factor of a patient and wonderful woman, Clarice!


Here's Tom, her dad, who brought her over from Portland at the beginning of the week.


Immediately she was gobbled up by eager kids.


 And more eager kids--all loving how she played with them.

She was a major factor in getting both Gwen and Maddie to learn to swim (underwater too!).

 Simon didn't want to be without her.

She organized activities for the kids--tricky ones too--like everyone icing Tulip's birthday cake.

We would find her at any time during the week gently talking to or playing with one, two, three, four kids.

Thank you many, many times Clarice.  We all fell in love with you!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

 Chocorua Activities

Lots of help in repositioning the swing.

Watching the clouds.

Getting TV!

Collecting ultra big sticks.

Pick-up hockey in the barn.

A sweet moment of repose.

TV dinners while watching our first movie (Tangles).

Jess arrives--hurray!

Monday, July 23, 2012

At Storyland

Not far up Rte. 16 from Chocorua is a small special place for kids--Storyland.
 We went there on Thursday.


Waiting for the train.

Getting started.

The Whale Ride with Sam, Max, and Maddie,

and again with Gwen and Clarice.

Simon--digging the circus. 
Fun day!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Celebrating Tulip's birthday.


Blueberries on the cake, and candles.

Going to the Remick Farm.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Many, Many Activities
over the past few days...


starting with help making pancakes in the morning,

the very popular (often fought over) swing that Toby put up, hanging from the willow tree out front, 

bubbles, bubbles,

and more bubbles,

Clarice teaching Simy more and more Spanish,

buckets to go

blueberry picking

and eating

and communing with cousins over,

and--don't mind this--the rubber alligator

 getting his fill,


and all the kids getting their fill!

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Lake!

Swimming in the morning is blissful, especially since it's been so hot.

Clarice manages to watch every kid at once.  Gwen and Clarice are very near knowing how to swim.

Max choses sand play,

Tulip especially likes cooling off--Simon helps.

Sam captures it all on his camera,

Then it's a weary climb back up to the house, for some.

Gwen showing off one of the new princess dresses.

And the very tired ones viewing a little TV before bed.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The M's and Sam Arrive!!!

Late last night--yet early this morning, it was all play

with horses (Tulip close by),

a slower wake-up for Max,


then cousin Clarice orchestrating it all!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Water Scenes

Taken with Rachel's wonderful camera... 

toys, waiting for children,

hands, getting sandy,

raking back the leaves,

calm sitting and playing,

the raft scene,

the dock scene,

getting hugs and kisses from small Simy!