Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Celebrating the Sale
After a day full of relentless unpacking, we decided we should celebrate in a Chocorua-kind-of-way the sale of our house in Barrington.
On the way home from the dump I stopped at Checkers to get pizza.
Toby was basking in the late afternoon sun--the first day it's been warm enough to sit outside.
So we improvised:  used the wheelbarrow as a table

and drank wine and beer to mark the occasion.  
Al Fresco!

Friday, April 26, 2013

As Spring Arrives in Barrington
we move out!
Up to Chocorua,
to a house now packed full of all our things,
which we'll slowly organize and await spring up here.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Looks like our Barrington house is selling--just one more hoop to jump through.
We're moving all our stuff up to Chocorua minus the many unwanted things we've managed to throw or give away.  It's chaos here--many boxes, many garbage bags, many nooks and crannies to clean out.  Still not settled yet on the Burbank house but my new mantra is "one day at a time" (or maybe it's "one house at a time").

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Special Moments

as our Burbank visit comes to a close, 
as we wait to hear if we'll get the small, cute house we want, 
here are some fun times:

Max climbing onto Toby's lap  as they listen to a story in the Tiny Tigers' classroom.

Sam and Jess taking us out to dinner at this really cute, exotic and yummy restaurant, Cha Cha Cha (a definite must for color-loving Lou and me if we ever synchronize our LA visits).

Deciding from the menu.

Maddie and Toby, spurning pistachio, grape, sprinkles and all the add-ons, and just enjoying simple vanilla cones together.
(And the little house went into foreclosure on Friday--next, we'll see what the bank will do with it.)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter Traditions in Burbank
Easter in Burbank began with the great Kender traditional scavenger hunt--

where picture clues are given to each kid to find their prize.

Max has just found a photograph in the shower 

which leads him to the bookcase to check for his next clue,


and Maddie looks in her bookcase for her next clue.

In the end, and with great excitement, they both find Ninja Turtle costumes as their prizes--plus marshmallow bunnies.

Then there's the outdoor hunt

for cleverly concealed Easter eggs.

And finally a grand Easter Egg hunt at the Findleys,

parents cheering on.

Followed by a simplified version of the Speers/Smyth egg cracking contest, which Sam won.
Maybe next year, given a few reminders of how it's done by Bill Smyth,we can introduce the "Golden Egg"

And here we are at Easter time in Panama last year.
Wonderful Easters!