Thursday, September 25, 2014

Weekend in Providence
Celebrating the marriage of

Gideon, the Rubin's son, and Arianna
(fellow LAers).

Margot and Toby with little Ben, the Rubin's very sweet grandson.

Then dinner with our Eritreans--Kifle and Wunesh.

Back in Chocorua we spy turkeys along the road.

And Gwen--your seeds from the camp at Remick Farm have grown--not very fast (due to a cold summer I imagine) into small Bottle Brush flowers--at least I think that's what they are.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Painting Class
This week several of our storytelling group came back here to learn how I paint.
 We had two intensive days of color, pattern, design--and talk!
Carol working on a stool,
Katie on a chair,
and Zika, Katie's 10-year old granddaughter zipping through all her projects (including practicing her Suzuki violin), finally finishing by building and painting this elegant creature out of wooden parts.
I've never had a class work so well so fast. And it was a ton of fun too.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Can't Tell You Enough

about how I enjoy
my morning coffee every day on the kitchen porch while reading a good book.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Some Neighbors and Friends
 that visited during the summer: 

The Baileys, back after a long absence. 
The LeGates and Blues in for a dinner.
Hazel Denton--Toby's long-time-ago girlfriend--drove over from Vermont to spend the afternoon with us.  First time I'd met her and she is delightful.
Alan, Myles and Ned to dinner on Alan's birthday.
Another birthday--Alan's.  
Finally, David Feinstein making our house his first stop on his cross-country motorcycle trip.  Hope you've made it safely to Palo Alto David--or are about there.

Friday, September 5, 2014

My 72nd
was spent in Bangor, Maine, visiting Christina
who made it a special day for me:
cooking wonderful feasts (here with her feisty cat Gwen),
making a chocolate b'day cake, my favorite.
Contemplating a wish, here with my oldest friend (since 5 months old) Annie Moody,
 who came down from further north to visit for the day,
and going on walks with Toby--love this brother/sister photo.

Plus trying to watch "Kolya," great movie--but that Gwen keeps crowding in (cats love Toby, he's less enthusiastic about them).  Gwen, however, won.
Then a night spent at our friends Bob and Steffi Harris on Mt. Desert Island in their beautiful home.
Great get-away for us and great b'day for me!