Sunday, August 30, 2015

 July Appearances

 Saturday morning at the end of Sam's week here with the kids and to our complete surprise, Jess appeared--having taken a red eye from LA on Friday night to be with the Chocorua gang for a day and a night.  Very sad to see them leave early on Sunday. 

David spent some Star Wars playtime at the swing with Simon.

Rachel tried to control Gwen's gorgeous, galloping red curls.

The Tamworth Victorian Girls' Summer Camp showed up for parlor games and tea, Julie pouring.

Joan and Barry Bailey arrived for a short visit.

The Page Bethels found a Lego club at the Conway Library.

And a blue morning glory appeared on our porch.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Water Slide
Sam comes up with ingenious activities for the summer visit to Chocorua:

The water slide, set out on the hill behind the house, reminiscent of sledding down this hill in the snow at Christmastime years ago.  It's an activity that couldn't currently happen in Burbank: no convenient hill or enough water.

They go down feet first--Max with Sam,
then Maddie and Sam,

then piggyback head-first.
And the finale:  Toby takes his turn.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Monkey Trunks

Toby and I had been wondering if this was the year for taking the grandkids to the local climbing place :  Monkey Trunks.  Their parents decided "yes!"

But first there were some requirements:  had to be tall enough (Simon just made it) and had to sign their own consent forms (Simon just perfected writing his name).

They all got very suited up by the conscientious crew there,

in all kinds of harnesses, caribiners, 

and helmets. 

Then out to the course. Looking at it and mindful of our grand kids I'm thinking, "What have we started?"

But they were great:  followed directions perfectly, 


were cautious, and--most important--


totally loved it.


Had to have celebratory ice cream afterwards--


all of us.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Max's 6th!
No sooner did we arrive in Chocorua (all except Jess who returned to LA from Jekyll Island to work), than Max turned 6!
Our 6-year old, in the morning, enjoying a large chocolate chip pancake, one of his favorites!
Getting the Wubble Bubble Ball, but I forgot to get the pump.  Sam blew it up, with an appreciative audience.
On Max's shoulders, like Atlas holding up the world.
Bouncing it around the lawn--very much fun until it popped shortly afterwards.  Hrummph!!
 Legos constructors--everyone got a set, Max for his birthday, the others as consolation presents.
Lots of concentration.
Happy Birthday Max!!! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Great Weekend for Cousins
under the huge mossy trees (oaks, I believe) at the Jekyll Island Hotel.
Informal photos:
Simon and Max,
Frank, Gwen, Keolani Rose,
And formal ones: me and my sibs--the first generation now,
the next generation--our kids, and parents to
this lively young generation--cousins all!! 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Family Reunion on Jekyll Island
 (Friday afternoon, Saturday morning)

Many from Theo's side of the family came to Jekyll Island, an old and lovely resort area off the coast of Georgia.


Gwen and Simon, two of the perhaps thirty or forty relatives.

We gathered by the pool that afternoon, so many that Gwen asked Rachel if EVERYONE in the pool was related to us (not everyone!).

Spencer and Faber with little Whitney,

Emily and Sara Kate,

Linda and Keolani Rose,

gathering around dinner time

with kiddos discovering the low, mossy climbing branches on the lawn.

Sam and family came in later that evening and we caught up with them the next morning at breakfast.
Saturday:  The Beach at Jekyll Island
A gorgeous beach
with calm, balmy water (Gwen). 
Good for watching Jon fish (Sara Kate watching),
chatting (Jess and Susie),
digging in wet sand (Maddie, Simon, and Sam),
snoozing (Laura and that adorable Keolani),
showing off the reunion t-shirt and hand-painted-by-Lou personal hat (Simon),
and all-around good times.
The entire cast--a crazy group!