Friday, September 30, 2016


Have to get that Sing-Along Video up when we get to Burbank.

The Sing-Along for Toby
on Wednesday afternoon
organized by Julie.
All the songs he loved--and he loved it all.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Jay on the porch in Bourne, MA--starting a writing exercise.
Listening to Steffan's NYC story in the grove.
Dancing before breakfast
and Julie dancing with Toby in Chocorua!.
The banana ladies.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Found Photos
Just discovered these photos from the summer:
The Victorian Girls' Summer Camp came for games and tea at our house in July.
We dressed in the fashion of the age--
Simon in Rachel's senior high school prom dress.
Gwen's and my trip to Maine to visit Lea by the seashore.  
The painting of the shells.
The Mayo's Square Dance  in Connecticut:
Linda, Max and Maddie striking a pose,
Maddie dancing with Uncle Bill--her only partner for the evening.
Max dancing all the dances with charmed ladies and sneakers that lit up all the way down the line during the Virginia Reel. 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

My 74th
was celebrated with the Page/Bethel clan close to their departure for Panama.  
The Page/Kender clan had left Chocorua a week or so before.
Sad to see these clans depart, but so much fun to have them while they were here.

Examining a b'day card with attentive audience

and To Oldly Go, a book about elder adventurers, a suggestion that I too could still sally forth!
Annie Moody and I at our annual reunion in Bangor on my birthday weekend.
Annie with Chrisitina who makes the reunion possible
plus many delicious meals, lovely sunflowers, and a heavenly chocolate cake with, thank goodness, not all 74 candles -- but there was one to grow on.
Then a square white box from Linda that held this fabulous hooked pillow she made!!
It holds forth on the porch for now on a chair with perfect matching colors.  
Love that deep sky blue!
Before all the gkids left, Simon with Max's help made this lean-to in the woods.  I've left it up in case we should need shelter someday.
And the farewells. 
 Love you all. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sitting Around the Bonfire
in Rachel and David's backyard

after eating the wonderful dinner they cooked for us.
We looked for comets as it was near the time of the Perseid Showers
The grand kids spent the night in a tent near the house.
Fun time!


on the Conway Middle School field

Sam ordered and set up a bunch of rockets for the gkids to set off.
Exciting to see how high they went and which way they fell.

 and David was the best rocket retriever

Apples to Apples


took over as the gkids' favorite game.
"Listen Up!" was Maddie's call to attention for each round of judging.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sweet, tiny, easily caught little frogs pop up in early August and hop everywhere 
much to the kids' delight (poor frogs).
They are companions on a walk to Heron Pond,
Toby and Jess sit and watch the kid/frog/tadpole interaction at the water's edge.
Maddie cradles a tiny frog on the Chocorua porch
while Jess snuggles with Max.