Tuesday, August 30, 2016

More Chocorua
The barn swing was in great demand -- esp. with a grown-up to push.
The aim was to swing high enough to touch the mural on the far wall.
There was biking.
And ice cream down by the Swift River:

the gang,

 the oldsters,

the girls,
the boys,
the sibs,
and Simon.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Monkey Trunks

The gang decided to give the ropes course near us called Monkey Trunks another go as it was so much fun last year.


Suiting up:  the girls were tall enough to go on the adult course, the boys not yet.

Sam and Rachel chaperoned the girls.

The boys looked like pros:  buckling and unbuckling themselves from one tippy, risky platform to another.

After some training, the girls and their chaperones carefully started out on the advanced ropes

and pretty soon they were rapelling

and flying down the lines like old pros.
At the end the girls declared that they undoubtedly were ready for the hardest and scariest, the black course.
The boys, in their minds, were totally ready for the same!

Friday, August 19, 2016


The hike up to Zealand Falls--breakfast in the morning.
Older cousins' hike up Chocorua Mountain:  Ben, Tom, Rachel, Kathy, and David.
 Non-hikers: Toby and Gwen,
Younger cousin water time.
Searching for tadpoles in Heron Pond.
Making Monkey bread.
How many can stand on the swing?
All four until the grown-ups yelled "No!"

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

On Sunday, August 1st, the Page/Kender crew arrived in Chocorua
and it was instant cousin delight---
Gwen and Maddie -- playing with their Ever After dolls,
Simon and Max fooling around at the Swift River.
Adults happy to sit, talk, sip wine at dinner time--

Kids sitting down to their spaghetti dinner.
Much cousin assistance to now 7-year old Max while he blows out the candles on his birthday cake.
A pretty great foursome!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Chocorua with the Page Bethels

Boating to the raft.

Swim lessons at White Lake.

Great hikes to AMC huts,

with group shots

in various places.

Not liking the dentist,

Loving the Wedgits!!!