Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Monsters at Point Reyes
The Monsters (aka our story telling group) met at the end of April to tell, write, commune, eat and play at Point Reyes!
Some of us on the way to our rental from SFO.
Jay at the Muir Redwood Forest.
Our rental--empty chairs waiting for us all 9 of us.
Steffen, having grown up in the Bay area brought us to this area, a place he loves. 

Wending our way down to his favorite beach--Limantour Beach.

A horizon like it was hundreds of years ago--unblemished by oil rigs!

Gnoshing time.
Photo time.
Party time:  Japanese drumming.
Play time:  Dancing to the all -women band "Foxes in the Henhouse."
All in all, a great time!!