Chocorua Summer continued...
In June the mosquitoes were terrible--David used the electric racquet to zap them.
In early July Theo and Gwen went to see "Damn Yankees" at the Barnstormers.
Gwen got a stylish haircut in North Conway.
Cozy women.
Mojitos on the dock.
In August, David took Gwen back to Panama to start middle school while Rachel and Simon and Theo stayed in Chocorua for three luscious weeks.
While Rachel worked and Theo painted, Simon was very resourceful swirling around the lawn finding wonderful surprises like this yellow-striped spider,
enjoying his I Pad and the new Hot Spot,
and taking occasional naps.
Rachel and Simon gave me a wonderful birthday party on the shoulder of Rattlesnake Mountain--a total happy surprise for me!!
A good-by to Chocorua, leaving the blue Volvo in a precarious (but safe) position.
We met Rob Bethel at a restaurant in the North End of Boston the day before Rachel and Simon returned to Panama, Theo to Burbank.
Cozy mom and son.