Monday, December 28, 2020

December 23rd

Means it's Sam's birthday!!


Which he celebrated with a box of LA's best sushi.

The  Page cake with 44 candles and one to grow on.


And gifts amidst gingerbread houses.


Cats exploring


and Max hugging.



Saturday, December 19, 2020

 The Season Accelerates



with packages piling up, being delivered day and night (thanks to you hard working delivery guys).

A spectacular adult take-out dinner at Sam and Jess'

Table set in a Christmas theme, grown-ups loving it!


School's almost out, time for play:


 Max maneuvering crazy aeronautical twists and turns on some kind of computer program. Made me dizzy to watch.



Panama's equivalent of Rudolph the red-nosed, by Gwen.


Simon's school's holiday Zoom party project.



Linda and Jeff arrive via plane and car and days of traveling

from New York for Spencer and Meghan's wedding. 


Slinky is back--expecting cold weather hand-outs.

She's up to three meals a day.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Christmas Season Commences...

with a tree,

a wreath,

and trimming with the PK's!

Ever curious cats

find new toys.


A weird kind of tree on my table. 


With Santa hats,

ladders and




a  palm tree is transformed.

With eager expectation

the Christmas spirit comes to Panama too.