Wednesday, December 1, 2021

 Happy Thanksgiving!


Sam and Jess with friends--a seat for all!


Rachel, David,  Gwen and Simon in Cambutal, Panama,

with watermelon drinks.

The Woodward's, Richard and

 his daughter Kristen at my house.

The spread!

Sunday, November 14, 2021

 Back in Burbank

where Linda and Jeff took good care of my house all summer

and finally found a house of their own. 

And we got together with the new celebrity star, River,

who  everyone



 to hold.


Pizza night at Sam and Jess'


with baseball in the backyard.

Rachel and Gwen travel back to Panama, 

much to Coco's delight

while David and Simon patiently wait in Chocorua

for the vaccine to be approved for under 12-year olds. 


A visit to Palm Springs with the Hike Group 

(now more of a wine and dine group)


and a visit to see Richard

and his puppy Dexter.

Friday, October 15, 2021

 Leaving Chocorua


The summer, for me, was over.  

Time to pack up.  

Very sad to say goodby to Rachel and David, Gwen and Simon.

Lea drove over from Maine to pick me up. 

We drove out early the next morning with Rachel recording the departure.

We were traveling with Woody, the Feinstein's 34 year old parrot--a very patient and sweet creature.


He loved being let out of his cage in various AirB&Bs and hotel rooms. 

Our first stop was Buffalo where we found a wonderful little Italian restaurant with an outside dining patio and an attentive waiter.


Strange sights along the way. 

After hitting Chicago at rush hour, our least favorite thing, we got to Madison, WI where Lea's son Noah and his family live.

What a nifty city--with water all around.

Lunch at our hotel.

Then a night in Boulder and on to Denver.


As we gained altitude in the mountains through Colorado, our bag

 of Dorito's got larger and larger


 until it couldn't take anymore--and popped.

The most beautiful part was driving through Utah with the amazing shapes and colors of its red cliffs.


I tried, but couldn't get any photos that did it justice.

Finally back to Burbank.

An easy 6-day drive.  Incredible country but glad to be home.


Dahlias I'd planted in Chocorua in mid-May--

 didn't bloom until two days after I left.

Simon snapped this photo.




Saturday, October 2, 2021

 September Starts

With Steffen and his family arriving for the inauguration of the fire pit.
The old woodstove finding a new home.

Cozy kitchen dinners by candlelight.
That bear!!!

Gwen's favorite reading spot.
Days getting colder.
The parade of Lights
 Gwen and Steffen's daughter Sofia in the canoe with Rachel at the helm.  Simon in the kayak.
 As they paddled to the bridge, the mist turned to rain.  The event had been called off.   Not knowing this, our brave adventurers paddled on. 
One other boat was at the bridge.  
With a small crowd watching from land, the three boats lined up.  
The parade was on--Simon was the leader!

Their lights coming home.

Gwen fell in love with Jane Austen!

Watching "Sense and Sensibility" in the upstairs bed. 

Morning breakfast.

Rachel and Simon hiking to Bickford Heights.

Celebrating Rachel's 48th

 with gifts and Indian take-out.
Striking their poses.


Saturday, September 11, 2021

 As August Progressed..

Rachel, David, Gwen and Simon

 tested out their tents in the backyard for a family camping weekend

and explored possible campsites.


A week later, the real camp-out began.

Theo stayed home and found these tracks on the beach.

Seems like a heron stepped over the dock and plodded up the shoreline in the early morning hours. 


A trip into North Conway netted Gwen a green smoothie from Starbucks


and Rachel new red shoes.

Theo went through crates and crates of old papers

which Simon enthusiastically shredded,


making a beanbag seat out of them.


The dog hunt continued


and heart-shaped pizza was grilled.

On the 28th we hiked up Foss Mountain for an evening picnic

and a celebration of Theo's 79th!


Gwen's amazing vegan birthday cake.

August is a fine month to have a birthday--great birthdays with great views!