Thursday, February 4, 2010

Beach Walk

Some days Tulip and I get up early to take a walk on the beach.

This morning the sun was just rising
and it was only Tulip and me and our shadows.

Well, we did meet another dog on the way back--
he wanted to play but Tulip, at that point,
had other things on her mind..
coming home and

having breakfast.

Wait, Tulip, wait.


Strange thing in the backyard--
some seagull must have accidentally dropped this in the bushes.


  1. Wow, a pre-breakfast walk! Tulip would never let me get away with that. Breakfast first, then walk! But you obviously get up much earlier than I do. I love the pic with the long shadows. And the starfish in your yard, so cool!

  2. i really love this post, tulip and her beach walks and her breakfasts, i miss her!!
