Memorial Day Weekend
A quiet weekend, a Saturday wedding ---
Sophia, a friend from way back, and Rick got married. A wonderful event--two people very happy to be together.
Sophia's duaghter, Maya and Nina. Rachel used to babysit for them.
It's been a gorgeous weekend. We stopped painting and writing and weeding the weedy places near the lawn to have a glass of wine and a relaxing moment on the patio. Then brought out our binoculars
to watch this nest of robins up near the spotlights near the roof. The robin parents have been flitting around for weeks outside my studio taking care of those chicks. I noticed that, while one parent goes for food, the other will take a little snooze while roosting on the nest. It was kind of reassuring to think that even robin parents get tired.
Toby lazily reading the paper with Tulip on guard nearby.