Monday, May 21, 2012

Clever Neighbor!

It was noticed that that old porcupine was dozing up high in the willow tree in our front yard.

Close-up--he's pretty relaxed.

Clever Alan figured out a way to capture him, at last.  He put up a fence around the base of the tree with the only exit being through the Have-a-Heart trap.

So he's caught, at last!  

Alan kindly (he'd been eating up Alan's house too) gave him some apple slices and drove him 4 miles away into the wilderness.. He said he was very happy to be free and waddled away as fast as he could. To get back he'd have to cross 3 fast moving rivers-which he doubts he could or would do. 
Kudos Alan!


  1. Wow!!! He looks a lot like a sloth the way he's lounging in the willow tree. What an ingenious plan of Alan's! I hope that was the only culprit. What a cool animal but how disheartening to have the house chewed on...
