Saturday, October 20, 2012

This Week


I attended a shower in Boston for baby Rubin, due soon now-October 28th!  Proud, hopeful, expectant parents and grand parents.

The milkweed has bloomed and is busily distributing it's seeds.

 Toby's grass is incredibly green and gorgeously thick.

Tulip is feeling better due to cooler weather and a new diet. Love this rug against her black and grey coat.  We re-arranged the kitchen area so we could better bask in the warmth of the wood stove which Toby dutifully lights up almost every morning now.  It's heaven to come down to a cozy kitchen and sip my coffee in front of a blazing fire in the stove.


  1. i love the rearranged kitchen, what a good idea to change things a bit. And so exciting that baby rubin is coming soon! I love the room in that photo, what a great japanese tapestry!
