Friday, November 1, 2013

Eating Us Out of Trees!
Lately, since the leaves have fallen,we've seen  evidence
of beavers down by the lake.
Lots of small trees down, even some bigger ones.
In fact, the beaver(s) have made their own path from trees to lake.  Our path is on the right, theirs is on the left.
And they've made a mess of stripped branches in the water.
Mystery through--except for the chewed trunks we don't seen any evidence of beavers down there--not a dam, no scat, no footprints, certainly no sightings.  When do they come?  Where do they come from and go to? How do they get those big trees out of there?
Maybe we'll get a clear view of the lake, but we're not sure this is the way to do it.

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