Sunday, August 20, 2017

Page Kender Visit to Chocorua

I raced back from Maine to meet Sam and Jess and the kiddos who were coming up from visiting friends in Rhode Island.

 Their's was a short 5-day stay but packed with fun things:

Canoeing, of course, and picking water lilies.


Jess' parents came to visit too and
 we all went to dinner at Dale's charming barn eatery then to see "The Ghost Train" at the Barnstormers.
Front row seats and so scary that Maddie hid under her hood much of the time.  But fun! 

Afterwards Sam and the kids went backstage to see how the sound effects were made--effects he'd worked on when he was a teenager working at the Barnstormers.

Maddie got an autograph (her first) from our friend Jean Coulter Brown who was one of the actors.


A very slippery slip and slide.

Max on the piano
(I still don't know how to make a movie work on my blog).


Jess and Maddie setting off for a walk to Heron Pond but turning back almost immediately because of  millions of ravenous mosquitoes. 
 (I tried the walk two weeks later and the same thing happened...never seen them so bad!). 

Monkey Trunks:  Getting geared up,


traversing on a wobbly rope,

getting higher and higher and crossing on very teetery planks,

then the fun part--the zip line.


Picnic on top of Black Cap.


at Black's.

A cozy evening watching "The Wizard of Oz."


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Next Trip to Chocorua--in July:
The Maine Portion
Spent 5 days at Lea's house in Small Point, Maine--a lovely old house that had been her grandmother's.
Candis was there and Jan, artists and friends, who--with Lea-- know how to wrap up in warm blankets at breakfast and talk the morning away.
The fun continues:  Candis painting a lamp she found in the house,
Jan inscribing a tree branch,
Lea modeling possible outfits for son David's wedding in NYC. 
Finished product!
Candis swinging on a nifty living room chair. 

Selfie us!!

Then to Mt. Desert Island for Katie Harris' wedding:
Steffi at meal preparation
and Katie.
Good grand uncle Jim reading to Alex's boys.
Got no wedding photos but did get this moment of joy while on a hike--camp kids descending in delight on the Harris' 3 golden retrievers.  Dogs were happy too.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Chocorua in June
I'm making three short trips to Chocorua this summer--wanting to open up the house but not leave Toby for too long in his board and care home in Burbank.
This first trip
was to get the raft and the dock out, 
with much help from Alan and neighbor Tristan and her friend.
To lay the straw down on the path for a soft trek down to the lake.
And do a thousand more things!
I saw the loon with a babe on the back, maybe two, not three--but now there's only one (where is the sad emoji when I need it?). 

Checking out Simon's "shelter" which he made last year.  It's still standing and strong,

I love the two stones holding the shelter support sticks--repeated all around the structure.

My Tante Ann's piano got moved in from Becky's Chocorua piano studio where it had been residing since our move out of Barrington.  It's tuned and ready.  I just have to relearn how to play!
Julie and Andy came to dinner
as did Alan.
So good to be back in Chocorua again with the lake and the land and the friends.