Sunday, March 29, 2020


I walk around the neighborhood two or three times a week,  often stopping at Sam and Jess' house to wave, and trying to get my 4000 steps in for the day! 
It's nice to see that these people are still working:
the tree trimmers,

the gardeners,
and kids out of school 
with chalk!

Friday, March 27, 2020


is two weeks of isolation

with one pot of vegetarian chili--almost gone.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Sunday in Semi-Isolation
Went to check in on Toby. 
 Vincent propped open  the door in his room so I could peek in.
 He was awake but couldn't see me.
In the afternoon Sam and Jess and kids came over
to celebrate super girl Maddie's 12th birthday
Staying a safe 6 feet away from me.
Then hero Sam climbed up onto the roof
and cleaned the 90% of extra filthy gutters and drainpipes 
I hadn't gotten to the other day.
Just in time--it rained a lot that night.
My shelf-full of anti-virus tools. 

As for chloroquine, all my Peace Corps buddies write that that's what we took  
as Aralen to ward off malaria when we were in Africa. 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

What to do at home and in isolation?
Position the ladder,
climb up

and clean the gutters!

Quite nice up here with the clouds and the crows.

Friday, March 20, 2020

It's official--California is ordering all of us to stay at home!
 I think it's a wise idea and that every state should do the same.
I've been self-isolating for over a week now--finding I'm getting a lot of at-home projects done, that it's nice not to have to rush-rush somewhere,
 and that it's wonderful to be in touch with 
 lots of friends and family as we check on each other. 
Seems old-fashioned and nice except for the grave implications of the order.
We can still take walks--and I do--
this am past Sam and Jess' house where they stood in the doorway and waved.
And I can still paint--which I am-
-figuring out how to make a flower design from a calendar into decorative art on a chair. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Price Gouging?

A while ago I ordered this large bottle of Purell from a third party through Amazon 
to use for our now cancelled pop-up.

It arrived  in record time even though I'd asked for standard delivery.
It only cost $28.00 but the delivery charge was $108.00!!!  
And the shipment wasn't from far away, it came from California.

Stunned and very angry,
I emailed Amazon demanding my money back.

Just an hour or so later
they refunded the entire $108!

Yeah refund!
Boooo price gougers!

Saturday, March 14, 2020


For a few months Lea and I have been planning an exhibit of our work 
at a pop-up space in West Hollywood near Beverley Hills.

We found a nice, sunny gallery right near the Pacific Design Center

and signed a two-week lease.

Two days ago we were all set to install her paintings and my painted furniture and have our grand opening, complete with delicious wines from a woman vintner.
We planned to be there everyday for the next two weeks.


Painted pieces piling up in my studio.


The throne.


This Lazy Susan table.


The dragon.


circumstances have intervened.

Suddenly everything's shut down, no one wants to venture out. 
I have to visit Toby wearing a mask. 

We've only postponed.  Our new dates are May 18-June 1,


Friday, March 6, 2020


It's been a roiling week--in so many ways.

Super Tuesday's amazing results for Joe Biden
 and the endorsements he got.
The call for unity and sanity among the Democrats of the country.

Amazing Elizabeth Warren's leaving the race.
What has happened to a woman presidency?  Will it ever be?

The encroaching panic over Corona-virus.

The unbelievable incompetency of Trump and his administration.

I don't know what to think of or how to deal with it all.

Plus Lea and I are madly preparing for our painting and furniture Pop-Up in West Hollywood due to open on March 15th and continue daily until March 26.

Come to our Pop-Up!
470 N. Doheny Drive at Rangely, LA 90048
March 15 – 26, 2020  daily 12–7pm

Open House with Vinovore pouring:
Sunday, March 15, 4-7 pm
Saturday, March 21, 4-7 pm

But will the virus interfere?
Will anyone come?

And there's climate change!!

Meanwhile, reassuringly, sweet spring is arriving, on schedule, with it's imperturbable march forward.


The Jasmine is blooming,

 a pair of finches are nesting on my front porch,


and the first Nasturtium blossom has just appeared!