It's been a roiling week--in so many ways.
Super Tuesday's amazing results for Joe Biden
and the endorsements he got.
The call for unity and sanity among the Democrats of the country.
Amazing Elizabeth Warren's leaving the race.
What has happened to a woman presidency? Will it ever be?
The encroaching panic over Corona-virus.
The unbelievable incompetency of Trump and his administration.
I don't know what to think of or how to deal with it all.
Plus Lea and I are madly preparing for our painting and furniture Pop-Up in West Hollywood due to open on March 15th and continue daily until March 26.
Come to our
470 N. Doheny Drive at
Rangely, LA 90048
March 15 – 26, 2020 daily 12–7pm
Open House with Vinovore
March 15, 4-7 pm
March 21, 4-7 pm
But will the virus interfere?
Will anyone come?
And there's climate change!!
Meanwhile, reassuringly, sweet spring is arriving, on schedule, with it's imperturbable march forward.

Meanwhile, reassuringly, sweet spring is arriving, on schedule, with it's imperturbable march forward.
The Jasmine is blooming,
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